• You can print barcode of the order ID at the bottom of the receipt so you can find the order by scanning the receipt. You will need to change receiptBarCode to Y first. Also you will need to download and run supermenupos.com/barcode.exe to install the barcode font.
    1. Change scanTable to Y, you will see a scan table button in the Dine-In tables screen, click on the button will pop up the screen for you to scan or enter the order number, click on find will bring you to the payment screen for the order to pay
    2. Change alwaysScanTable will allow you to scan the receipt to find the order without need to click on the Scan table button
    3. Change scanTableOnOrderStatus to Y will add the scan order button on today's order screen, you can then scan the receipt or enter the order ID to find the order and pay